Making Good Men Better

Freemasonry has been making good men better since the founding of the Grand Lodge of England on 27 December 1813, but the history of Freemasonry goes back much further than this. Indeed, the first Grand Lodge was founded in 1717 and can be linked to the age of enlightenment.

Since those times, men have looked to improve themselves, through increasing knowledge, by good conduct and by helping and caring for others. 

These are learnt through stories told through the various degrees you as progress on your journey through Masonry, building character and centred around the tenets of brotherly love, relief and truth.

St Nicholas Lodge is made up a diverse range of men from all backgrounds, ages, and vocations: our youngest being a student at 20yrs and our oldest member at 92yrs, a retired Policeman.

We all uphold the values that run through freemasonry, avoiding topics of religion or politics and we work together to make our Lodge work – we are the sum of its parts and that is what makes it special.