Dear Brethren,
Welcome to the November 2024 edition of the St. Nicholas Bugle. How quickly a month goes, and indeed even a year! November is the penultimate meeting in our Masonic year and one we usually describe as our business meeting to elect a Worshipful Master for the ensuing year.
As is traditional in the St Nicholas lodge the Senior Warden moves on to Worshipful Master, and with no other nominations, we were very delighted to elect Bro. Scott Davison as Master Elect and Worshipful Brother Peter Hemmingham as Treasurer.
Bro. Scott having been elected on the same day as President Trump, pledged in his inaugural speech, ‘To Make St. Nicholas Great again!’ During the greetings to our Worshipful Master, praise was given for a great Masonic year, indeed here are some stats from W. Bro Roger Kaye’s year.
• We have initiated 5 new members!
• Two second degree ceremonies
• One third degree ceremony
• One joining member
The remaining business of the Lodge been concluded, the brethren retired to enjoy some social engagement and meal.
The Festive board was very enjoyable and the raffle raised a great £111.00 which was won by W. Bro Chris Blackman. The proceeds will go to the Westway Open Arms which is the charity of the year.
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